Sunday, May 22, 2016

MAY 22 Summary Review SRJQ#1-13 (Day 8) The Jesus Questions

LIVING FOR JESUS --- Daily Devotional


365 Prayers to JESUS 
Jesus, the Only Begotten of the Father, Prince of Peace, my Lord and Savior, whatever I do, it never changes who You are. Though I need to be chastened and corrected daily, Your Grace and Mercy abides forever! You spent Your time on earth in Perfect Obedience to the Father who is Eternally Pleased with the Son. Lord I again start today asking forgiveness for yesterday for all I do is but filthy rags compared to You, the Blessed One, that Loves me in spite of my imperfections. I once again ask Your Holy Spirit to take full control of my life and lead me so that I will let Christ live through me that I may die daily to self.     AMEN

The Jesus Questions
SRJQ#1-13 (Day 8) — Summary Review of The Jesus Questions JQ#1 - JQ#13.

Lesson 6  JQ#6    “What kind of fruit does your tree bear?”                Matthew 7:15-23

I am totally amazed at how the Holy Spirit confirms that you are on the right road! You know what I’m talking about if you have ever been on a trip and you were thinking you were on the right road and have taken all the right turns and then you look up and there is that great big road sign that confirms you have stayed on the right route to your destination! I’m sure you’ll agree that “being lost” is no fun!  This weekend our church held the 27th Annual Calvary Baptist Church Children’s Camp in Dayton, TN at Cumberland Springs Bible Camp and the theme this year was “Digging Deep for God’s Treasure”.  Pastor Steve told the kids the Parable of the sower and the soils (Luke 8) and the main phrase was “NO ROOT ——— NO FRUIT” and the kids had the seed of salvation sown into their tender hearts! I had suspended my Daily Blog which is in the middle of a Summary Review of The Jesus Questions 1-13 to post about the Holy Spirit moving at the camp in a huge way for my MAY 21 post and today I pick up my next review question for MAY 22 which is JQ#6  “What kind of fruit does your tree bear?” (Matthew 7:15-23)  I could easily rename it “What kind of fruit does your seed bear?” which would fit right in with the parable of the sower and the soils. Just imagine that if those kids were not at the Bible Camp this weekend there is no telling what “seeds” the world would have planted in their fertile young hearts! I felt like the Holy Spirit threw up a huge road sign  that confirms we had given the kids a great map to guide them through the detours and dead ends of this increasingly secular world when I saw that the review today was on “bearing fruit”. The camp is very exciting for the kids and for every excited kid you have the proportional amount of tired counselors but a refreshing message from the Holy Spirit confirming we were on the right road to keep us and the kids from getting lost in the world made us “Blessed” instead of “tired”! JQ#6 is a serious question that Jesus asked as He was giving us warning to be aware of “false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves…” (Matthew 7:15) when Jesus asked: “Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles?” (Matthew 7:16b) Very quickly we can see that “false prophets” are as dangerous as thorn bushes and thistles and definitely “false prophets” will direct you down a dead end street. So if you plant thorn seeds you will grow thorns and Jesus made that clear when He said plainly, “You will know them by their fruits.” (Matthew 7:16a) So the lesson on “preparing our (soil) hearts” is just as important as to make sure that the “seed” we let grow in our hearts is a “good seed” that will produce good fruit and not thorns or thistles! The lesson is that if you want good fruit you must plant good fruit seeds in your well prepared hearts! The Parable of the Sower and the Soils goes very well with Jesus teaching us that we must also be careful to make sure that not only is the soil prepared for the seed but we should equally be careful not to let the seeds of thorns and thistles take root in the inward parts of our soul. If we want to bear good fruit we have to plant the right seed in well prepared soil and it is a good idea to keep a hoe nearby to keep the worldly weeds out that are sure to sprout up s the seed sprouts and takes root. If Jesus goes to the trouble to teach us to prepare our hearts and plant good seeds, don’t you think it would be wise to follow the advice of The One that has produced such “heavenly” fruit? 

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