Saturday, May 28, 2016

MAY 28 Summary Review SRJQ#1-13 (Day 14) The Jesus Questions

LIVING FOR JESUS --- Daily Devotional


365 Prayers to JESUS 
Jesus, Lord of Life, You are greatly to be praised, Your Name is to be lifted up by all men and one glorious day every tongue will speak the Name above names, Jesus. Lord, there will be those that will regret not having called on that Name for salvation while still residing in these earthen vessels to transport us through the “physical” life, for without calling on the name Jesus, the “physical” cannot be transformed to the “Spiritual” for You are the Giver of All Life, both the “Physical” and the “Eternal”, and though it is as simple as “asking”, it is also the most difficult because the “asking” must be done from a “humble” heart. Lord I thank You that You have changed my heart and now I pray for those that do not know the earthly peace of the confidence of Heaven, through the knowledge of Jesus the Christ.     AMEN

The Jesus Questions
SRJQ#1-13 (Day14) — Summary Review of The Jesus Questions JQ#1 - JQ#13.

Lesson  12  JQ#12  “Who decides what is legal, God or man?”           Matthew 12:1-23

This JQ#12 question of “Who decides…?” really “cuts to the bone” but when we consider it is coming right after Jesus asked us what are our “Spiritual Expectations” of Him in JQ#11 that truly makes this very serious indeed! First of all Jesus states that He is who He is because of the Father’s Will and not because of any “expectations” on our part and then Jesus makes the most practical of applications to why our beliefs should be based on the “Truth of God” and not some “interpretation” of what we think we believe! A.W. Tozer told this “Truth of God” in his book “Knowledge of the Holy” when he begins his book with: “What comes to our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” Tozer is pointing out the “Truth of God” that if we have the wrong idea of God then our “eternal soul” is in jeopardy. There is not enough “money” or “power” in the world to justify thinking wrongly about God for God alone determines the “Truth” and we have no power to change the “Truth of God”, no man ever has and no man never will!! Jesus tries to call our attention to the fact that we can know the “Truth” of God for it will be revealed to us but our obligation is to believe it when we see it. Jesus told the disciples of John who were looking for the “Coming Messiah” to look at what Jesus had actually been doing in His ministry and not what  other men were claiming what they “thought” He was doing and the same is True for God, all we have to do is look at what God has done and what He is still doing today and admit that only God can accomplish those things and we must then accept the Truth of God that He ALONE is in control of every thing that happens in His Creation and not what some men say they believe about God. Our personal belief does not change God, God is ‘Unchangeable” — our “belief” changes us and it is not just a matter of “life and death” at stake, our personal belief in God is a matter of “where will our soul spend its eternity”!! Jesus warns us that we must see Him as the True Messiah for it is the only path that leads to the Kingdom of God and that it is God alone that determines the final and eternal resting place for each man’s soul. The “evidence” for God sending His Son Jesus is overwhelming, however, God gives us “Free will” so the responsibility to examine the “evidence” is up to us ——— but regardless of the verdict we pass after reviewing the evidence, the “Truth of God” remains unaltered. Don’t you think that “accepting” the “Truth of God” carries greater reward than us trying to change that which cannot be changed? 

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