Friday, December 23, 2016

DECEMBER 23 THE JESUS QUESTIONS SUMMARY-10 of the Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus: JQ#1-JQ#31 (Matthew 1:1 thru 26:16)

LIVING FOR JESUS --- Daily Devotional

DECEMBER  23  THE JESUS QUESTIONS   SUMMARY-10 of the Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus: JQ#1-JQ#31  (Matthew 1:1 thru 26:16) 

365 Prayers to JESUS    
Jesus, today I am going to post a prayer written 12 years ago that is as relevant today as it was on 12-23-2004 when it was first written, and contained within it is a section of the prayer that I believe was answered for me two days ago on 12-21-2016 as I awoke with a vision of a project that if I follow the guiding of the Holy Spirit will bring about the exact answer to this section of prayer: “Jesus, ‘I am Yours, save me’ as spoken by Martin Luther must have been a great glory to Your Name and a great time of ‘coming out of darkness’ into the LIGHT of YOUR WORD! O Lord, I see today (12-23-2004) the coming of a new ‘Spiritual Dark Ages’ for the world if America continues down this disastrous course of ‘separation of church and state’ and if America lets this go to far we will lose the religious freedom established by our forefathers. Lord we simply cannot allow Christ to be taken out of Christmas and let ‘Happy Holidays’ replace ‘Merry Christmas” in our schools and public places. Lord, I pray for the Holy Spirit to lead me to do something about this evil and vile situation that is removing Your Name from so many things that have made our nation great.”   I now, like many Americans in 2016 who must have felt the same way for we have exercised our freedom to vote have  chosen a new President, and in unity our prayer is that Christ will be allowed back into our schools and public places and that as a nation that we will once again proclaim “IN GOD WE TRUST”!!!!    AMEN


DECEMBER  23  THE JESUS QUESTIONS   SUMMARY-10 of the Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus: JQ#1-JQ#31  (Matthew 1:1 thru 26:16)  Jesus has now been connected to 4 prophecies that point to Him as the Messiah and yet it is our “faith” that will actually seat Him on the “throne” of our heart for all the evidence in the world will not be sufficient to those that want to trust in the “doctrines and traditions of man” and not the “commands of God” as Jesus has demonstrated by addressing that very problem throughout His earthly ministry and especially after making His “Triumphal Entry” into Jerusalem. During the Passover Week Jesus was very specific as He is quoted as saying “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much as a son of hell as yourselves.” (Matthew 23:15) With statements like that from Jesus that attacked religious leaders of Israel and called them out with such great condemnation and especially being called out like that in Jerusalem during the Passover Week that they would certainly not want Jesus to be confirmed as the Messiah for that would be confirmation of them being “sons of hell” — that particular problem still exist today among many Jews that are still refuting the claim that Jesus in not the “Messiah” and go so far as to say that the word “Messiah” has been defiled by translation that these believing that the “mashiach” which means “the anointed one” has not yet come argue that the “mashiach” is not a god but that the “mashiach” is a human that will be a warrior king like David. Those dedicated to this “Messianic Idea in Judaism” base their arguments on arguments put forth in such writings as “Rambam’s 13 Principals of Faith” which are in their own words “the minimum requirements of Jewish belief” and when they refer to God’s Holy Scriptures these so dedicated to “Judaism” use the same prophets that declared the coming of the “Messiah” and “signs” of His Coming through their interpretation of the Scriptures to claim to “prove” that Jesus is not the “mashiach”;  therefore Jesus rightfully called them “hypocrites” for claiming to know the Scriptures better than God Himself which is the exact problem Jesus questioned the scribes and Pharisees from Jerusalem that had sought out Jesus because of His “Works” that were “miraculous” by any definition when He answered their question with a question of His own, “Why do you transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition?” (Matthew 15:3) and coincidentally Jesus called them “hypocrites” and quoted the prophet Isaiah: “Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying, ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me, and in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men’” (Matthew 15:7-9) So if those that claim Jesus is not the Messiah do so by quoting “commandments of men” such as “Rambam’s 13 Principals of Faith” then I will let each of you make your own decision and review the “evidence” but you will still come to the same point of decision put forth by Joshua — “Choose this day whom you will serve!” (Joshua 24:15)

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