Saturday, December 24, 2016

DECEMBER 24 THE JESUS QUESTIONS SUMMARY-11 of the Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus: JQ#1-JQ#31 (Matthew 1:1 thru 26:16)

LIVING FOR JESUS --- Daily Devotional

DECEMBER  24  THE JESUS QUESTIONS   SUMMARY-11 of the Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus: JQ#1-JQ#31  (Matthew 1:1 thru 26:16) 

365 Prayers to JESUS    
{{The Holy Spirit is again leading me to write another 2004 prayer}} — 12/24/2004 Christmas Eve AM prayer: “Jesus, You are the Messiah, praise Your Holy Name, God became flesh, Redeemer of all men from the bondage of sin, You have freed us from the Law of Sacrifice for You have substituted Your Holy Self as the Atonement, once for all!!!  Lord, teach me to share the Good News to both Jew and Gentile that the Messiah has come, the Son of Man has sacrificed His Perfect Life and shed His Spotless Blood of the Passover Lamb that the angel of death will “pass over” all who believe that Jesus is the Passover Lamb and apply His Blood to the doorposts and lintel of their hearts. Salvation is through the Messiah, God’s Anointed One, for God sent His Son, born of a “virgin”, sacrificed on a cross, buried in a borrowed tomb, and was raised to Glory on the 3rd Day — The Messiah HAS COME!!!      AMEN

<<<Note 12/24/16: If you have been following this blog, please read yesterday’s post of 12/23/16 which discusses this very topic of Jesus being the Messiah and I had mentioned that I was being led by the Holy Spirit to fulfill “part of the 12/23/2004 prayer” and that part was “to do something about this evil and vile situation that is removing Your Name from so many things” and the Holy Spirit led me to an article about the Messiah written by Tracey R. Rich that states “If you want to know how Jews interpret the passages that Christians consider to be messianic, see Jews for Judaism, a counter-missionary organization not associated with this website, especially their article about Christian Proof-Texting.”  The thought that struck me when I read my 12/24/2004 prayer this morning during my devotional that said, “teach me to share the Good News to both Jew and Gentile that the Messiah has come” was that there is a sect of Jews that has taken the Name of Jesus and separated Him from His Messiahship which is every bit as “vile and evil” as America promoting “separation of church and state” from the viewpoint of  removing the name of God from public places. To say that God is not allowed in public schools removes God’s “moral standard” from our government and therefore the “federal government is free to decide what is moral in our society” and there is nothing more “vile and evil” than man usurping God’s Power for man has been proven untrustworthy since the first bite of forbidden fruit! Therefore in fair and equal treatment of everyone, every nationality, and every religion, I will continue to write these articles based on “God’s Standards” and “His Holy Word” and keep reminding you that God is Truth, so if you are not listening to God, then you are not listening to the Truth. If man (and woman) had listened when God said “do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for in the day you eat of it you shall surely die” (Genesis 2:17) instead of when the Tempter said “you will not surely die”  (Genesis 3:4) then the knowledge of good and evil would have remained on the tree and man would have remained in the Garden of Eden, forever.! So at the very beginning even Satan himself was (and still is) using the Word of God to lead us FROM GOD’S TRUTH but each of us must listen to what God says is the Truth and NOT what Satan will tell you God “really meant” for the Truth to be!?!?!? 


DECEMBER  24  THE JESUS QUESTIONS   SUMMARY-11 of the Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus: JQ#1-JQ#31  (Matthew 1:1 thru 26:16)  Jesus at an early age was fulfilling prophecy about the Messiah and starting with the 3rd chapter Matthew documents that the life of Jesus revealed Him to be the True Messiah by His actions because the actions of Jesus Himself could only be accomplished by the True Messiah. Matthew at the start of the 3rd Chapter of the Gospel of Jesus according to Matthew introduces the Messiah’s “star witness”, John the Baptist. Here again we will see that Jesus fulfills prophecy of the Messiah by circumstances beyond His control and starting with the 3rd Chapter, Matthew demonstrates that all Scripture and all prophecy point to Jesus as the Messiah and even the most casual reader will see that Jesus by His actions and lifestyle cannot be interpreted as “just a good man doing good works” but they were actions accomplished by God Incarnate, Immanuel, and that it was the Power of God in Jesus that was doing “miraculous works that could only be accomplished by God Himself” and therefore the “actions” of Jesus proclaim and witness that JESUS IS CHRIST, GOD’S ANOINTED ONE!!!

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