Tuesday, May 21, 2024

MAY 21 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#17 “How many loaves do you have?” (Matthew 15:34)



“How many loaves do you have?”  (Matthew 15:34)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, Lord You are always Teaching and every Lesson is intended for our good so my prayer Lord is that my attention to “learning Your Truth” will be sharpened and my focus will be completely on Your Word. 

Lord Jesus, open my eyes that I may see Your Truth and that it may soften this heart that has been hardened and defiled by the doctrines of the world, doctrines that I have allowed to enter into my life and become the desires of a defiled heart. 

Lord create in me a clean heart like You did in David for I also claim You as my Shepherd and Trust You to lead me in paths of Righteousness for Your Name’s Sake!



Jesus never ceases building “precept upon precept” and we see 

that with each attack on the Character and the 

Truth of God 

that Jesus is able to take that attack and expose the attackers

 and accomplish the Mission of bringing 

God’s Truth 

back into focus in our daily lives.

 The main weapon against the enemy 

is living a life of God’s Truth 

and being consistent in how we treat others 

as Jesus demonstrates with JQ#17. 

In JQ#16 Jesus had used the attack from the Pharisees who claimed the disciples of Jesus were “breaking Jewish tradition” by eating with “unwashed hands” and Jesus Taught them that 

any tradition they observed that was not in line with God’s Commandments would end up in “Judgement” 

and Jesus pointed out the 

Truth of God


God is the Judge of all men 

and when Judgement Day comes 

God will be sitting in the Judgement Seat  — 

God will not use the “laws of men” 

but God will use His Commandments 

to pass Judgement on all 

to determine our right in the eyes of God 

to enter His Kingdom. 

God has established the requirements that will make us “legal heirs” 

to His Kingdom and that is the Standard by which God 

has declared and has made known through His Only Begotten Son 

whom God Resurrected from death and made Victorious over the grave 

and the Truth of God Taught by Jesus is the Only Truth 

that God will use on Judgement Day 

to separate the “wheat from the tares” 

(Matthew 13:24-30).  

As soon as Jesus had Taught the Lesson of “man’s tradition” verses

 “God’s Commandments” 

we read: 

“Then Jesus went out from there and departed to [another region]…” 

(Matthew 15:21) 

and there Jesus resumes doing the

 “Father’s Work” He was sent to do

which is what Jesus has been doing with His earthly Ministry all along, 

He has been healing infirmities, 

casting out demons, 

giving sight to the blind, 

raising the dead, 

and feeding the multitudes

Aside from the immediate individual and personal help these

 Acts of God 

accomplished, they also provided Teaching Tools 

which in the Hands of the Master Teacher

 are Miracles within themselves. 

The first healing recorded after Jesus Taught the 

“traditions of men” vs.“Commandments of God” Lesson 

was a woman who had brought her daughter who was

 “severely demon-possessed” to Him.  

This woman received her requested healing after she persisted in

 acknowledging the Power of God as she addressed Jesus as 

“O Lord, Son of David” (Matthew 15:22) 

and continued to cry out to Him and 

“then she came and worshiped Him, saying ‘Lord, help me!” 

(Matthew 15:25) 

The woman’s only credentials she presented to get the healing

 for her demon-possessed daughter was that she 

believed that Jesus was the Son of David and God’s Chosen One 

and she directed her request to the

 One that had proved by His Works that He was the Son of God.

 So we can see the importance of why Jesus was always doing the 

“work of the Father” 

to demonstrate to

 those that would believe that Jesus was sent by God 

would be healed by God and their sins would be forgiven! 


It should be noted that the first Lesson Jesus Taught after the “tradition vs. Commandment” Lesson was a Lesson about “healing” a young person that was “severely demon-possessed” and it is my opinion that when a society gets “possessed” by following “Godless laws” and rejecting God’s commandments, that same society is under some form of “demonic anti-God possession”. My reasoning is that rejecting God comes from a “personal desire to be our own God” and we ask the same question that the demons asked Jesus when they wanted to know what God had to do with them? 


It is a personal decision to accept living by “tradition” 

without making the assessment that if “tradition of men” 

(legal or not by whatever government passed the immoral law) 

goes against a Commandment of God or not? 

How can an individual decide to go against God’s Commandment 

just because a majority of men decide to legislate 

that it is “legal” 

by the government’s “authority” 

to “transgress the Commandment of God”? 

Certainly you must agree with the logic that if one chooses 

to follow man instead of following God 

that there is some form of “anti-God possession” 

that accounts for one making such a poor choice!?!?  

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