Thursday, May 23, 2024

MAY 23 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#17 “How many loaves do you have?” (Matthew 15:34)



 “How many loaves do you have?”  (Matthew 15:34)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, just saying Your Name stirs my soul in a way that no other name does! Lord, when I consider that I have just uttered the Name of the Everlasting God and that I have uttered it with the “Hope” and “Expectation” that I have gained an audience with the Creator, I can not fully comprehend why the Lord of lords and King of kings would listen to me? 

And when I consider it further, I am even more amazed, for the very reason I feel unworthy is the very reason that God sought me out — it is because of the fact that I am a sinner that He cares about my eternal soul and because God cares for every individual soul He sent a solution to correct the sin problem — the solution to my sin is to give my sin to Jesus because Jesus was sent from God as a “Gift” of Love to those that are lost in sin so that our sins can be forgiven just by calling on the Name of Jesus! 

O the Mystery of God that He cares enough for me to provide for my forgiveness — Praise His Holy Name and Glory to God!     



Jesus had been performing miracle after miracle for the multitudes and as the number of miracles grew, so did the multitudes following Jesus. The multitudes kept growing and Jesus called His disciples to Himself and said,

 “I have compassion on the multitude… 

and I do not want to send them away hungry…”

 and the disciples who had just witnessed Jesus performing miracle after miracle knew the Power of these miracles was God’s ability to provide for the needs of the multitudes, even in a wilderness setting. 

However, these disciples that had witnessed the Power of God jumped to a wrong conclusion of the statement Jesus had just made because they assumed that Jesus was going to do what He had done with the feeding of the five thousand where Jesus had commanded the disciples, 

“You give them something to eat.” (Matthew 14:16)

However the disciples made the same mistake we make in our daily lives as we see God provide for our daily needs in a way that only God can do and then when the next need arises we seem to forget that God took care of us before and we let the world throw doubt into our carnal minds!  

When we look close at what Jesus said about 

“compassion” for the “multitudes” 

we see that He did not command the disciples to look for food, 

all Jesus had said was 

“I do not want to send them away hungry…” 

and the self-centered disciples, just like us blurted out

 “Well what do you want us to do about it?” 

Jesus then asked this very important question 

to bring the disciples back to reality by asking 

JQ#17 “How many loaves do you have?” (Matthew 15:34) 

I can hear in that question Jesus saying to us,

 “When was the last time I failed to provide for your needs?” 

We are the creation and He is the Creator 

so we must Trust Him to equip us to accomplish 

that which He tasks us to do,

 be it feed ourselves or to feed 4000 in the wilderness! 

God has always provided in the past so why do we let the world make us think that God will abandon us in the future or that this time we are “on our own”?!?  Look at His Question and understand that by Him asking the disciples

 “How many loaves do YOU have?”

 Jesus is really saying to the disciples, 

“Look guys, the Father fed 5000 

so do you think He has run out of bread, 

because surely YOU don’t think YOU have enough bread 

to accomplish that which only God the Creator can do?”!?!?! 

 Why is it that we fail to give God the Glory when every time

 we see God work we somehow think that He is doing His “last miracle” 

and we let the world convince us that God’s “magic lamp” 

will no longer work so we should return to our sin!?!? 

Jesus asked that Question to the disciples to bring them back to the reality that 

God’s Mercy and Grace endures Forever 

and His Provisions are both Limitless and Eternal!!! 

If we will but put what we have into His Capable Hands 

that He will Bless what we turn over to Him and we will be “filled” 

and we will find the Truth of God that He “is the Everlasting God, 

the Creator of the ends of the earth, 

He will never grow tired and weary 

and His understanding no one can fathom.” 

(Isaiah 40:28) ——— 

just think how many loaves of bread that God has provided to the world 

since the Garden of Eden ——— and yet we ask God by our doubt: 

“Are You getting tired yet God?” ——— 

like we could take over for Him now that He is tired 

and is no longer able to keep the stars in orbit 

or the sun rising in the sky every morning 

and we with our limited understanding 

will keep the universe spinning right along 

with our great scientific knowledge that cannot 

even explain how a bumble bee flies !?!?!?

 Really, how many grains of wheat have you created??? 

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