Tuesday, September 24, 2024

SEPTEMBER 24 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#29 “What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?” (Matthew 22:42)



“What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?”  

(Matthew 22:42)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer   

JESUS, You are the Lamb of God sent to a sinful world to become

 the Atonement for the iniquities and transgressions of a lost 

and dying world — a world that is lost in sin and dying in darkness

 without the LIGHT of God —  a world in great need of the 

Perfect and Acceptable Sacrifice OF GOD’S ONLY BEGOTTEN SON,

 sufficient to cover ALL SIN with ONE SACRIFICE, once for all!

 “Alas! and did my Savior bleed, and did my Sovereign die! 

Would He devote that sacred head for sinners such as I?” 

 (Isaac Watts - 1707)

 Lord Jesus, the Miracle of Your Love for sinners is the most 

overlooked Miracle You performed but Lord, may I never 

lose sight of Your Great Love that led You to the Cross 

and even though You could have called “ten thousand angels”

 to save You, Your Great Love made You choose to save us!

 O Blessed Redeemer, forgive me of my daily shortcomings as 

I walk in the flesh in a world that is not my home - renew my spirit

 daily with a fresh anointing of Your Holy Spirit that others will not see

 the sinful flesh of my body but they will see

 You LORD Jesus in my spirit!   



Jesus is Teaching a Universal Lesson with this Question 

that literally affects the eternity of every soul ever created —

 for the soul exists because GOD IS and in HIM BEING GOD,

 He has declared HIS PLAN OF SALVATION and that PLAN

 is built around the SACRIFICE of HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON JESUS!!!

 God has established with His Declarations and Commandments 

“The Divine Law of Choice and Consequences” 

and gave us the Holy Scriptures to guide us in using our

 “God-Given FREEWILL” to make “Choices”

 Tozer stated it beautifully in his book “Knowledge of the Holy”

 when he wrote: “Our choice is our own, but the consequences of the choice have already been determined by the sovereign will of God…” (page 113) 

The Holy Scriptures is the complete history of man’s  “Choices” 

and God’s “Consequences” associated with that “Choice”, 

starting with Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit and will end 

with the Lord’s Return and Final Victory over the evil and rebellion

 in this world that makes us “Choose” to follow our “flesh”

 instead of our “Faith”. So when Jesus asks, 

“What do you think about the Christ?” (Matthew 22:42)

 we should take it very serious because the Holy Scriptures teach us

 that it is the Messiah that will bring “Salvation” to the world

 logically we can only come to one conclusion: If Jesus is not the Christ,

 then the world is still lost in sin therefore the world is still waiting

 on “The Deliverer”!!!   So if you “think” that Jesus is not the Christ 

then you do not have a path to the kingdom, for Jesus Taught,

 “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6) 

and God declared through the Prophets, and each book of the

 Old Testament points to the coming of the Messiah through the 

Messianic Prophecies that were fulfilled by the life of Jesus of Nazareth —

 and according to Holy Scriptures, the only way to enter 

the kingdom of God is through the Messiah! 

This Question that links your belief about “Jesus” and “Christ” 

is the Question that you will base your eternity on ——— 

for if you decide the Holy Bible is irrelevant or that God is 

not real then you are choosing to declare that the Holy Scriptures

 are “irrelevant” and therefore you have chosen to live “without God”, 

but the problem with that line of “thinking” is that you have boxed 

yourself into a “hopeless" life that will end in death for the flesh 

but your eternal soul will have to stand before the very God you chose

 not to believe in and you will join the others that “convict themselves”

 with their unbelief and will be given exactly what they asked for,

 eternity without God!  Once again, Jesus and 

the Holy Scriptures and a “cloud” of witnesses proclaim

 that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ!!! 

Imagine standing in front of God and you must answer God Himself

 “What do you think about the Christ?” 

This is a very, very important Question for the answer will determine 

your eternity ——— so I would advise you to give your answer some 

very, very serious thought, keeping in mind 

you have the right of “Choice” 

but God has ALREADY determined the 

“Consequence” !?!?!?!

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