Thursday, September 26, 2024

SEPTEMBER 26 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#29 “What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?” (Matthew 22:42)



“What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?”  

(Matthew 22:42)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, Blessed be the Name of the Lord, the Holy and

 Righteous Son of our God Most High, Praise and Honor 

are Yours and Yours alone. 

Lord, through all the ages You alone have been the Way 

for all to come to the Father, You are the Lamb of God, 

Perfect and without spot, Sacrificed for ALL sin to be Forgiven 

through belief in the Father’s Plan of Salvation. Yes! 

God, very God sent His Only Begotten Son to become Man very man,

 to live without sin so that He might give that Perfect Life 

as the Atonement for ALL sin, 

and through His Death and Resurrection, ALL men can be FREE from sin! 

 For ALL sin and come short of the Glory of God,

 but whosoever BELIEVES on the Son and His Perfect Sacrifice,

 shall not perish but have everlasting life!!!   



Jesus is completing His final Lesson on True Power and Authority

 which addresses the problem of “hypocrisy” in those that have

 defiled their “God-given wisdom” and “authority” and have led the

 nation Israel away from the commands of God and used their 

“usurped authority” to develop “doctrines of men” that give those

 in “great authority” over Israel “power” over the nation using the 

Law of Moses — their “power” was supposed to be reserved for the 

Supreme Power — God Almighty —that gave Moses the Law 

to give to the nation but now the scribes and Pharisees were using

 the “Law” to enslave the nation Israel! 

Jesus concludes by announcing “Seven Woes”

 which clearly expose the “Guilty” and “Justify” the “Woes” 

that they had brought upon themselves! 

“Woe #1” addressed the problem of “hypocrisy” because the rulers

 were keeping themselves and others out of the kingdom

 with their “doctrines of men” and then Jesus presents 

“Woe #2” : “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! 

For you devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayers. Therefore you will receive greater condemnation.” (Matthew 23:14)

 This second “Woe” is a reminder that just a few days earlier as Jesus

 had made His Triumphal Entry into  Jerusalem that He went immediately

 to the temple and “…drove out all those who 

bought and sold in the temple…” and then Jesus pronounced: 

“It is written, ‘My house shall be a house of prayer, 

but you have made it a den of thieves.” (Matthew 21:1-13) 

So when Jesus says “you devour widows’ houses” He is referring 

to the “abuse of office” that would let the scribes and Pharisees 

steal widows’ houses and then to make matters worse, after

 “stealing” the widows’ property, the scribes and Pharisees would then

 go into the temple they had defiled and would pretend to “make long prayers” 

— and the “Consequence” of breaking the Command of God 

not to “steal” or “covet” and to do this while defiling their “office”, 

was not just condemnation by God — 

but the scribes and Pharisees because of their 

“hypocrisy” [they] “will receive greater condemnation”

This condemnation is similar to “Woe #1” where Jesus says that we

 will have to accept responsibility for those you have caused to turn

 from the kingdom because of your unbelief, with "Woe #2" Jesus 

is saying that because you defile your “God-given wisdom” 

and use it to cheat others, you will suffer “greater condemnation”

So a theme is surfacing from these “Woes” and it re-enforces previous

 Lessons that Jesus has Taught that everyone is 

subject to the “True Power and Authority” 

of the “Supreme and Sovereign God” 

who established His Commands for ALL to live by

and all that do not live by God’s Law will still be “judged” by God’s Law!!!

 Jesus pronounces the “Seven Woes” to clearly define the problem

 and to make it clear that

 if you “do the crime” you WILL “do the time” — 

Believe it or Not!?!?!?!?

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