Sunday, December 29, 2024

DECEMBER 29 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#1-33 SUMMARY-15 The Gospel of Matthew: A Study of the Life, Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ



JQ#1-33 SUMMARY-15   The Gospel of Matthew: A Study of the Life,

 Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ 

LIVING FOR JESUS - Daily Prayer to JESUS    

JESUS, Your Grace has been sufficient for my every need, You have

 kept Your promise to lead us through the valley of the shadow of death

 and to lavish upon us the abundant life!  Lord, I started the year praying 

that each day You would fill us with Your Spirit and guide us through 

every situation and You have! Lord Jesus, today I simply lift my voice 

and my heart to You in Praise - giving You all the Glory - for You alone 

are Worthy - for You are my Passover that has delivered me from this

 body of death - Your  Blood is Victorious over the world and all its lusts

 that rob us of Your Joy and Peace - Lord, Savior, Redeemer,

 Praise to Your Holy Name JESUS!!!      AMEN


Jesus was shown to be the Messiah by a series of prophecies that

 were fulfilled with the events surrounding His “virgin birth” and each one

 is unique in that each event came about as simple undisputed facts 

that could not have been controlled or manipulated by someone after

 the event itself occurred such as the lineage of His parents and 

subsequently because of His parents lineage Jesus was born in Bethlehem,

 none of us get to choose our parents or where we are born!  

Then when Jesus began His earthly Ministry He was baptized in the

 Jordan River by John the Baptist who was the prophetic fulfillment of the

 forerunner of the Messiah and it was at this occasion that John declared

 about Jesus: “Behold [JESUS], the Lamb of God 

that takes away the sins of the world!”

John, the Messiah’s forerunner, had been foretold thousands of years

 earlier and John’s declaration and message of 

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” and his claiming

 that Jesus was the “Lamb of God” are Biblical facts that point to Jesus 

as being the long awaited Messiah — 

all of which are historical facts that could not be made up by followers of Jesus

 after His death!  These “FACTS” pointing to Jesus being the Messiah

 could not have been “manufactured as part of some conspiracy” 

after Jesus was crucified because the Jewish leaders who had Jesus 

crucified by the Romans simply would have disputed any “made up” 

events because the Jewish traditions are built entirely on the 

preservation of their lineage and in addition the Jewish leaders were

 well versed in the Jewish Holy Scriptures which are filled with the 

prophecies of the Jewish Messiah and would have corrected any 

false claims immediately.  Add to those facts about John the Baptist

 fulfilling the prophecy of the forerunner of the MESSIAH and the 

Jewish leaders protecting their Jewish heritage, these same Jewish 

leaders were the ones that condemned Jesus to death in the first place

 because of His claim to be the Son of the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob,

 these same Jewish leaders would not have allowed any sect of 

“blasphemers” to fabricate a story using the Holy Scriptures to put the

 religious leaders in such a bad light!  Then to add insult to injury,

 the Jewish leaders had to stand by and let all these “false fables” become 

The New Testament and become the most printed and most widely read

 book in the history of the world!  If Jesus had not existed and had not

 the “facts” surrounding Him not been true, then those “fabricating blasphemy”

 would have been punished because history itself proves that the Jewish

 leaders had the “power” to put someone to death if they were guilty

 of blasphemy — indeed this claim that He was the Chosen One is 

the very reason they used to put Jesus Himself to death! The odds are

 absolutely astronomical that these many facts could be fabricated 

for one man especially when the facts bring so much “shame” on a group 

of Jewish leaders that were so “all-powerful” and had dedicated centuries

 to preserving their heritage and control over the Jewish traditions! 

Matthew, who was a Jew himself and an eyewitness to the life Jesus lived 

and knew full well the Jewish heritage that had been handed down to him 

through his Jewish family plus Matthew was a well-educated Jew who was

 taught the Jewish Holy Scriptures and prophecies of the Coming Messiah

 making Matthew indeed the best qualified person to recognize that 



Matthew had written his Gospel of Jesus account  C. A.D. 50 and that

 would have been contemporary with many of the powerful Jewish leaders

 that had  been responsible for Jesus being executed for “blasphemy” 

against the Jewish traditions and Holy Scriptures and had Matthew 

simply fabricated these “facts about the life of Jesus” then Matthew himself

 would have been stoned to death and his writings would have been 

utterly destroyed. The simple fact that Matthew’s Gospel still exists

 is proof that the Gospel is the 


The body of evidence is so great that one must fabricate reasons 

NOT TO BELIEVE — it is not a lack of FACTS that prevents one from 

BELIEVING IN JESUS — no, as with all things relating to faith in anything,

 it is our own “BELIEF” in the “FACTS” that establishes our “FAITH” —

 even atheists have “faith” but God cannot be “dis-proved”!! 

Hence, everyone is left with the individual responsibility of determining where

 we will spend our “eternity” — and that final determination will be based on

 what you “BELIEVE” to be “TRUE” about “JESUS” because the

 FACT of ETERNITY does not exist outside the FACT OF GOD!  

It was God Himself that declared when the Spirit descended on Jesus

 like a dove after Jesus was Baptized in the Jordan, 

“You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Mark 1:11) 

There is no other man in all of history that can show from prophecy 

 past to prophecy future that He is the Son of God for we know from

 these God Protected and God Preserved Holy Scriptures 


the facts prove it, but will you believe it to be true?

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