Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus: JQ#1-JQ#33
(Matthew 1:1 thru 3:17)
JESUS, I pray for Your Mercy and Grace with each new day that You
present to me as Your Gift of Life! Lord Jesus, I know that if I follow You
as You commanded that Your blessings will be upon my life and I can
experience Your Rest which You have promised.
Lord I have made many wrong turns and foolish mistakes in my life
by going out on my own and each wrong turn ends up proving that
I truly need “Guidance” and You have “led me safe thus far”. Lord Jesus,
daily I look to You for my “daily bread”, both physical and spiritual
and I thank You Jesus for providing both “spiritual bread” and “physical bread”
to me in such abundance even though I am so undeserving! Lord Jesus,
my goal still is that one day I will stand in Your Presence and hear You say,
“Well done thy good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:21)
Jesus led a “Lifestyle” that has never been approached by any
other person throughout all of history and the “Lessons” that He Taught as
part of His Lifestyle are still being successfully applied to every person’s life
that is willing to “learn” from the “Master”.
On my spiritual journey to “TRUTH” I have been introduced to several
sources that claim to know who Jesus really was but then the thought
struck me that if a person claims to be an “authority” on someone that
lived over 2000 years ago, then how could any person so far removed
from the “factual Jesus” proclaim 2000 years later that they know the
“TRUTH” about Jesus? It does not make sense for someone to take
a document like the Holy Bible that has been unchanged and
undefiled and “divinely” preserved for thousands and thousands of
years and 2000 years later arrogantly proclaim that all those “eyewitness”
accounts of the Life of Jesus are not accurate accounts of the “real” Jesus!?!?
I want to ask those making those arrogant claims by what “authority”
do they claim to be the “source” of this newfound ?Truth? and I am
guessing that they will reply with some vague statement that puffs up
their own personal intellect which is obviously a greater intellect than
anyone before them and also greater than God’s own Supreme Intellect
because now 2000 years later, the world is now obviously being blessed
by someone smart enough to point out God’s “mistakes”! Believers
should now abandon thousands of years of commentary and eyewitness
accounts and personal testimonies because after all these misguided
people writing and reading the Bible could not possibly know what this new “intelligence”
has had revealed to them therefore believers should abandon
their old faith and accept a new faith in the word from someone that lived
2000 years after Jesus died on a cross for our sins (surely this new
intelligence has more authority than this “Son of God” who got himself
killed by His own people!) — yes, believers indeed should ignore everything
the Holy Bible attests to as the “TRUTH” (as per the very
WORD OF GOD HIMSELF ) and listen instead to this
new “superior intellect”!?!?!? I have learned to distrust those who claim
to “know what God really meant to say” {{see Genesis 3:1-7 that gives
a description of one such “superior intellect” who claims to know
“what God really meant”}} — the purpose of this blog is to encourage
you to read the Holy Bible FOR YOURSELF and to let the Spirit of God
reveal the “TRUTH” to YOU PERSONALLY from the TRUTH OF GOD
contained within those Sacred Pages and BELIEVE
that God Himself has Promised that the “TRUTH”
is waiting to reveal itself to you personally. There is no claim from the
writer of this blog as to being a superior intellect that wishes to
share with the less intellectually endowed the “TRUTH” according
to some “new revelation” as if “TRUTH” has been hidden from even
God for all these years!?!? The purpose of this blog is to go through
the “eyewitness” account of the writer of the first book in the
New Testament, St. Matthew, and to listen to what this person who
lived with JESUS and observed the Lifestyle of JESUS had to say
about the most well known person in history.
The Life, Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus has had more
positive influence on more lives than any person or event in the past,
including Mohammed Ali who claimed himself to be “The Greatest”
(and boy was he good!) or the nuclear bombs dropped on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki that ended the 2nd World War!
If Jesus has accomplished all these things that are now historical facts
witnessed by literally billions of people in their personal lives then surely
we can learn from those who wrote down for future generations what
Jesus had personally Taught them and what their FIRST HAND BELIEF
in Jesus has accomplished in their lives — they wrote because they
recognized the “TRUTH” when they saw it and heard it! Remember that
none of the writers of the 66 books in the Bible received any financial
compensation and on several occasions the things they wrote resulted in their death so
we know they were not “profit driven” and we must assume they were inspired
to write by a “Source” greater than their fear of starvation and death!!!
The Holy Bible begins with the only “TRUTH” we will ever really need
to know as Genesis 1:1 starts with the five most powerful words ever
written, “In the beginning, God created…” and if you can get past
those first five words then you have moved past the greatest
roadblock on your personal journey to “TRUTH”. So the purpose of this blog
then is to encourage you to read the Holy Scriptures and to let them
“Teach” you “TRUTH” ! This blog will also point out that on this
spiritual journey on earth that you must travel your path alone with your
chosen guide and you will do so in your life on earth until you find and
“believe” the “TRUTH” when it is revealed to you!
Welcome to The Journey, let’s see what St. Matthew wrote about Jesus
as we will start our “spiritual journey” with the assumption that the
Holy Bible is TRUTH and GOD HIMSELF is the SOURCE
and then when we read the Holy Scriptures we know that we are
reading the “DIVINE RECORD” of God’s Instructions on Life —
If you cannot begin your reading with
then there is no need for you to bother to read either the
Holy Bible
or this puny blog!
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