Sunday, June 2, 2024

JUNE 02 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#18 “But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15)



“But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer   

JESUS, each day that I read from the original “365 Prayers” that the Holy Spirit

 led me to pen in 2004, I am amazed at Your Great Spirit that leads us in “Prayers”

 that address our daily needs but then here many years later

 I can read those same  “Prayers” inspired by the Holy Spirit 

and I can recall how they have helped me since 2004. 

Now these many years later I read the same prayer and I can also see

 a completely new “understanding” that is possible only because 

after these years of “experiencing Jesus” Your Spirit reveals to me 

another “deeper still” application of the same “2004 prayer” 

but relative to where Your Spirit has led me thus far. 

Your Word is “Timeless” and truly we cannot “fathom” Your Understanding

 but Lord Jesus I can “understand” that only You and the Holy Spirit 

can accomplish the miracle of “Teaching” such deep “Truths of God”

 with Your Word and Lord, I praise You for being “The Word” 

and bringing to us Your Life Eternal! 

Lord, I was dead in my sin and You have raised me to a 

New Life in Christ ——— Praise God!!!     



Jesus has made this Question highly personal to each and every individual 

and each of us, either in this life or in the eternity that follows our death, 

will have to face both 

God and Jesus in the Presence of the Holy Spirit that is TRUTH

and answer this ONE Question and 

we must be aware that our eternity is decided by our answer!!! 

If we get the wrong answer to who God Himself 

has declared Jesus to be 

as witnessed by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Scriptures, 

then the “Penalty” for our “unbelief” 

will be fairly and justly administered!!! 

God has declared by His Own Words such things as when Jesus 

was baptized by John the Baptist 

(it was John who  declared when he saw Jesus 

coming toward him in the Jordan,  

‘Behold the Lamb of God 

who takes away the sins of the world’ (John 1:29)

and after being baptized by John in the Jordan River,

 Jesus “came up immediately from the water; and behold, 

the heavens were opened to Him, and [John] saw the Spirit of God 

descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. 

And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying,

 ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’” 

(Matthew 3:16-17) .  

God had also said of Jesus on the occasion when Jesus 

had taken Peter, James, and John onto the mountain and Jesus

 “was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, 

and His clothes became as white as the light…and behold, 

Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with [Jesus]…

while [Peter] was still speaking, behold a bright cloud overshadowed them; 

and suddenly a voice come out of the cloud, saying 

This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him!’” 

(Matthew 17:1-5)   

So now we have a list of witnesses that include 

John the Baptist, Moses, Elijah, and God Himself 

that have declared Jesus as the Son of God 

and His Purpose was to “take away the sins of the world” 

so it will be very hard to stand in front of God and 

God Himself asks the simple Question 

“Who do you”  ______________ (insert your name in the blank) 

“say that My beloved Son is?” 

and you, standing facing the 

Creator God of Everything

 simply shrug your shoulders and utter the phrase

 that our fallen generation uses for our ultimate “cop out” ——— 

“U h h h, I don’t know!?!?!”  

 We read the Apostle Paul also adding, 

“we have so great a cloud of witnesses” 

and then there is the 

Truth of God that being God, 

He knows all things and He IS the TRUTH 

so I am not going out on a limb here and saying that

 “Lying to God at the Judgement will be impossible”!!!! 

 Or do you believe that whatever cleaver excuse that you will make up

 standing in front of God Almighty will be cleaver enough to “trick God” 

and get you into Heaven?!?! 

Our answer to God when He asks us 

“Who do we think His Only Begotten Son IS” 

must be “THE” correct answer that God has so clearly revealed 

to us in His Holy Scriptures, written in RED, 

and by the example of 

His Only Begotten Son

becoming flesh and dwelling among us, 

declaring Himself as the 

Son of God 

and performing those

 things Only the Power of God can accomplish in our lives,

 in addition we have the “individual self-professed personal” witness

 of billions of sinners-saved-by-Grace 

so there will be NO EXCUSE anyone can give except, 

“I chose not to believe” 

and thereby with our own words 

we will be “justly self-condemned “ 

to an eternity separated from God!!! ——— 

Or with the RIGHT answer that 


sent to Take Away our sins, 

then we may step forward into eternity 

and unbroken fellowship with God Almighty!!!

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