Saturday, June 8, 2024

JUNE 08 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#19 “For what profit is it to man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” (Matthew 16:26)



“For what profit is it to man if he gains the whole world, 

and loses his own soul?” (Matthew 16:26)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer   

JESUS, You are forever “Teaching” us of the Kingdom and leading us

 in paths of righteousness but Lord also keep us aware that these are done

 for “His name’s sake” and all that we do should be directed toward

 pleasing God by our obedience as You were Obedient,

 even unto death. 

Lord Jesus, the world is always pulling us into temptation by drawing

 our attention to ourselves so Lord keep reminding us 

to turn our eyes to You for You Lord always point us to the Father.

 Remind us daily that only God has created “eternal souls” 

and that it is God alone that will “judge” all souls 

and determine where that soul will dwell in eternity. 

Thank you Jesus for keeping the kingdom ever before us 

to open our spiritual eyes to the Truth of God 

and blind us to the lies of the world.     



Jesus has “lived” each Lesson that He has Taught His disciples 

and Jesus uses Questions to reveal the 

“Truth of God” 

by introducing terms and phrases that are “universal” 

in our understanding of things we EXPERIENCE in our day-to-day existence. 

Jesus knows all things so His Questions are His Way to get us to turn

 our attention to things we know from the “physical” world 

and relate them to things Jesus is Teaching about the 

“Spiritual” world —

Jesus asks Questions but the reason they make so much sense is that 

Jesus has lived out the Truth of each Lesson 

and now He is opening our 

“spiritual” eyes to Kingdom Truth 

by drawing our attention to the 


He lived His Life before men. 

With JQ#19 Jesus uses the term “soul” 

and He has set the term “soul” 

against the term “profit” and the phrase “gain the whole world” 

as He Masterfully gets our mind to consider something our hearts 

have desired from the world — “profit”

 and as we are considering that with which we are familiar, 

Jesus hits us with a reality Question like 

“OK, let’s say you ‘gain’ the ‘whole world’, but once you ‘possess’ 

all the wealth in the world, will you still have ‘enough’

 to keep from losing your soul?” 

One always thinks about what we could buy if we won the lottery

 and Jesus is saying here that instead of thinking about “physical” 

things that we can “buy with money” that 

we should think about the “spiritual” things 

that money cannot buy! 

The Truth of God is that everything was created by God, 

including money and wealth, but what we miss is that God

 has also created “Value” and that is why Jesus has 

warned us repeatedly against accumulating

 “worldly treasures” (Matthew 6:19) 

and encourages us to 

“seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” 

(Matthew 6:33).  

Jesus Teaches that

 in God’s eyes we have “Spiritual value” 

and since 

God is Spirit (John 4:23-24) that 

Jesus is Teaching us to consider our “value” 

from the “spiritual” viewpoint (see Matt 6:25-26 and 10:31)

 and therefore we should consider why Jesus keeps 

directing our thoughts to our “soul”?

 Jesus has previously taught; 

{1} “It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, 

and a servant like his master. (Matthew 10:25) 

{2}And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.

 But rather fear Him who is able to destroy 

both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28) 

{3} “Then [His disciples] understood [Jesus was teaching] … 

beware the doctrine of the 

Pharisees and the Sadducees [men]” (Matthew 16:12) 

Therefore in order to really 

“understand” the “value” of the “soul” to God 

we should not only listen to what Jesus Teaches about the 


 but we should look at the 


 Jesus lived


to understand

 “Spiritual Truth”, ——— 

or do you have a better “retirement” plan 

or insurance policy for the afterlife 

than the one being presented by 

God’s Only Begotten Son?       

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