Tuesday, June 4, 2024

JUNE 04 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#18 “But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15)



“But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, I come before You today with a thankful heart that I can come before You today — Lord, I know that I take it for granted that any time I decide to pray to You that You will hear my prayer but Lord today it is evident to me that You being there any time I pray is another reason that we should give You Praise and Glory and Honor. In God’s Great Plan for the world He has ordained that Salvation and Prayer will be as free and abundant as air and water and through Jesus we will have our “daily bread” and “living water” and the “blessed assurance” of eternal life! 

Praise the Father who has Promised to NEVER leave us nor forsake us and who gave us PRAYER that we may confidently approach the throne of Grace. Thank You Father that we can know that Jesus has finished the work You gave Him to do so that we have “Blessed Assurance” that You will hear our prayers as soon as they are lifted. Also we give thanks that Your Spirit  inhabits our Praise — So Lord Jesus, I lift my Prayer of Thanksgiving and give You Praise that You have chosen to be our God — may we never lose sight of the great Freedom that Your Grace imparts to all men.     AMEN


Jesus never leaves us hanging once He asks a Question. 

Jesus asked His disciples 

“who do men say…I am” (Matthew 16:13) 

and then made His Lesson clear as He immediately responded

 to their answer of who men were saying that Jesus was 

by asking the really important Question 

“…but who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15) 

thereby Teaching the disciples that 

what they have witnessed Jesus doing 

and have heard Him declaring about Himself 


and that we should Trust what God Himself reveals to us 

and not depend on the doctrines of men

Jesus then responded to Peter when Peter answered the


by declaring that Jesus is 

“…the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16)

Jesus then acknowledged that 

our understanding of God comes directly from God Himself! 

Jesus confirmed TWELVE TRUTHS OF GOD 

through these Questions and His immediate explanations — 


as they were revealed through these two “simple” Questions 

found in Matthew 16:13,15: 

(Truth 1) What men say about God 

does not change the Truth of who God is. 

(Truth 2) God expects us to form our own 

personal opinion of who He is. 

(Truth 3) Jesus is the Christ. 

(Truth 4) Jesus is the Son of the living God. 

(Truth 5) God is not dead, He is LIVING 

and is concerned about our eternal Salvation.


(Truth 6) God will reveal His Truth to us.


(Truth 7) God desires to be our “Father” 

which reveals His desire 

that we be His Sons and Daughters and 

(Truth 8) He has Promised to Provide for us 

if we but Trust Him, and believe in the “the Work of God” 

Jesus was sent to accomplish — 

the atonement of our sin 

that we may be clothed in the “Righteousness” of Jesus 

and can approach the Throne of Grace 

with great confidence that our “Father” 

desires us to come to Him with our every need and concern.


(Truth 9) Jesus declared that on the revealed 

Truth from God 

He will build His Church.


(Truth 10) Flesh and blood cannot reveal Truth 

but Truth will come by the Spirit of God 

to those that seek Him.


(Truth 11) The foundation of the Church is the

 “rock” that is Jesus 

and the Truth that Jesus is the Christ 

and the TRUTH that

(Truth 12) Jesus IS the Son of the living God 

and has been given “authority” by the “Father” 

and therefore, we should believe 

that Father God sent His Son Jesus 

as God’s Plan for our Salvation, 

as Jesus has declared, 

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. 

No one comes to the Father except through me.” 

(John 14:6) 

Only JESUS, 

the Master Teacher and the Son of the Living God 

who has chosen to reveal Himself to us 

could Teach us so much Truth with two simple Questions

 perhaps we should stop one last time and look at  these two Questions 

back to back and see what additional 


God will reveal:

 (1) “Who do men say…[Jesus is]?” (Matthew 16:13) 


(2) “Who do [we ourselves] say … [Jesus is]?” (Matthew 16:15) 

 It’s worth a couple of extra minutes here at this point to know 

the TRUTH of GOD or are you really to busy in your daily life to 

“wait on the Lord” 

who has promised that 

“He will give you rest” 

and reveal His 


to you while you’re waiting?!?!?

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