Sunday, August 25, 2024

AUGUST 25 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#27 “Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?” (Matthew 22:12)



 “Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?” 

(Matthew 22:12)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, You are worthy, You are the Holy One, You Lord and only You

 are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. What is man that God the One 

True Creator with Infinite Wisdom and Knowledge would create 

a universe of this magnitude and then create man to have dominion

 over the creation?! Why did God create only man in His image and

  endow man with the greatest of all gifts — Freewill!! God then in

 His Infinite Wisdom allowed for our shortcomings by providing 

for our Salvation through the sacrifice of Himself ——— the Creator 

giving Himself for the created!!! O Jesus, what a great Sacrifice  You

 made for a world that has so horribly abused our gifts that 

You so freely and abundantly bestowed upon us — and with our

 abusing and defiling Your Gift of Freewill we have brought shame

 upon ourselves as a consequence of our disobedience! 

Praise You O Lord, my God, my Savior. 

I pray for anointing daily from Your Holy Spirit 

that my sin against Thee will be no more!   



Jesus was confronted as to His “authority” by the chief priests, 

religious leaders and the elders and Jesus responded by Teaching

 them in three consecutive parables that only God has “authority”!

 The first parable was about a man asking his two sons to go work

 in a vineyard, the second parable was about a landowner that built

 a vineyard and leased it to vinedressers who refused to give the

 landowner his rightful “fruits” and the vinedressers not only refused

 to surrender to the landowner his rightful dues but they killed, beat, 

and stoned the landowner’s servants who came on the landowner’s

 “authority” when they tried to collect from the landowner’s vinedressers. 

When the landowner sent his son to the vinedressers they killed 

the son as well. The second parable was prophetic of the purpose

 of Jesus being in Jerusalem on this Passover and it was also 

God’s judgement on the chief priests and religious rulers 

that refused to accept Jesus as 

Messiah at which point Jesus pronounced, 

“Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken 

from you [Israel] and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it.” 

(Matthew 21:43) 

The chief priests and the Pharisees which Jesus had been 

in confrontation with throughout His earthly ministry 

“perceived that He was speaking of them” 

and instead of repenting they 

“sought to lay hands on Him”.  (Matthew 21:45-46) 

Jesus continued teaching them by parables as He gave them

 the 3rd parable 

“The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged 

a marriage for his son…” (Matthew 22:1-2) 

Jesus has now used parables that include 

(P1) a man who sent his sons into his vineyard to work and asked 

the Question “Which of the two sons did the will of the father?”

(P2) a landowner that built a vineyard and leased it to vinedressers

 who did not meet the obligations of the “lease” and actually killed 

the landowners son, and now Jesus presents 

(P3) the third parable that ties all three together and adds 

additional impact to the Question: 

Where does authority originate from, heaven or men? 

In the third parable Jesus starts out with 

“the kingdom of heaven” which is clearly where True Authority 

comes from and then Jesus says that heaven is like a “certain king” 

and announces that the king “arranged a marriage for his son” 

which brings in the traditions of Abraham and Isaac and the start of 

the nation of Israel through the twelve sons of Jacob. Surely all the

 chief priests and religious leaders that spent all their time studying

 the Holy Scriptures had to see that Jesus is painting a picture of 

God the Father arranging the Marriage of His Only Begotten Son, 

the Messiah!!! 

The parable continued as the 

“certain king” [God] sent out his servants [God’s prophets]

 to call those that were invited to the wedding [Israel], 

and they were not willing to come.” (Matthew 22:3) 

 It seems hard to believe that the religious rulers could not see that the

 work Jesus was doing could only be done through and by the

 True Power and Authority of God 

just as Nicodemus had said upon observing the miracles that

 Jesus was doing among the people, 

“Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; 

for no one can do these signs that You do 

unless God is with Him.” (John 3:2) 

Even with seeing the works of Jesus and knowing that He was sent

 from God they were nonetheless blinded to


The Truth of God that Jesus is God’s Only Begotten Son 

and the “Chosen One”, the Messiah

Our generation has all the 

God-Breathed Holy Scriptures and a “cloud of witnesses” 

that Jesus is the Son of God but we are blinded by our 

“selfish desires” and we too are 

“not willing to come [to the wedding feast” 

— when will we ever learn?

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