Thursday, August 29, 2024

AUGUST 29 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#27 “Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?” (Matthew 22:12)



“Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?”  

(Matthew 22:12)

LIVING FOR JESUS Daily Prayer    

JESUS, my Lord and my Redeemer, my Rock and my Salvation,

 You are the Calm in my storms ——— Lord Jesus I can only give

 You Praise for You are Worthy!  Lord I wake each morning and my

 thoughts are again turned to Your Grace and Mercy because each 

day as I rise I know I am rising because You have been Gracious 

and Merciful to this sinner and were it not for Grace and Mercy 

to carry me through my guilt and shame, I simply would not make

 it through my days. Jesus I come and bow my heart, my head 

and my soul to You and place my worthless self at the foot of 

Your Cross and ask that You lead me down Your Paths of 

Righteousness through this Valley of the Shadow of Death

 just one more day, I know that I am lost without You. 

Lord Jesus, this I KNOW — 


which are my “Way”, my “Truth” and my “Life” on my “Journey to You”!!!   



Jesus as the Master Teacher, Teaches using very specific 

“words” and “word order”. Jesus started this series of Lessons in 

the temple of God in this specific week leading up to 

the Passover where Jesus is going to fulfill the prophecy

 of the “Suffering Servant” written by the prophet Isaiah 800 years

 earlier about the Coming Messiah.

 The first thing Jesus did after entering Jerusalem was go to the

 temple and put God’s temple in order when He drove out all who

 were making it a “den of thieves” instead of “a house of prayer”.  

Once in the temple, Jesus demonstrated the Power of God 

by doing the work of God as Jesus performed miracle 

after miracle for everyone that came to Him in the temple and 

made their requests and prayers known to the “Son of David”

Jesus left Jerusalem that evening to stay in Bethany but returned

 the next day and continued “driving out” all that was against 

the “commands of God” and had been defiled by the “doctrines of men”!

 These actions of Jesus

 had caused the “ruling authorities” in Jerusalem

 who had not been consulted by Jesus, to confront Jesus 

and since they could not deny the “works” that Jesus had been doing, 

the ruling authorities questioned Jesus as to His “authority”!? 

(Side note: It is this author’s opinion that these “ruling authorities”

 were proving Jesus right in exposing their “inadequacies” 

— I was taught at a very early age that you do not question 

the man doing the work, especially if he has a big stick in his 

hand and the work he is accomplishing is going to benefit 

everyone concerned.) Once Jesus had His “authority” questioned, 

He began a series of Lessons to not only prove His “authority”, 

He was Teaching in a way that He proved that those questioning 

His “authority” already knew where His “Authority” was coming 

from but simply refused to admit the Truth of God. Jesus 

accomplished this by first cursing the fig tree, then when first 

questioned about His “authority” Jesus asked about the “baptism of John” 

which had been a “hot topic” for the ruling authorities since the

 multitudes had been seeking out John the Baptist in the wilderness

 around the Jordan and were 

“Repenting” of their sins against God 

and were being baptized by John 

who witnessed that his calling was to be 

“…the voice of one crying in the wilderness, 

make straight the way of the Lord…” (John 1:23).

 Once Jesus had everyone’s attention on the baptism of John,

 Jesus asked, “The baptism of John 

(which was now an accepted FACT by all Israel) —

 where was it from? From heaven or from men?” (Matthew 21:25)

 The answer was obvious so Jesus moved to the first of three parables

 to teach details of God’s Authority, Parable #1 (Matthew 21:28-32)

JESUS  Taught that God has called us to “obey” 

and we either choose to “obey” His commands 

or we choose to “disobey” God, 

and it is not what we say we do that God acknowledges, 

it is what our actions prove about us 

that God is going to fairly judge us by, therefore we learn the

 Truth of God 

that we condemn ourselves and God only passes judgement

 on our actions, we are either guilty of disobeying God and will 

be punished according to our choice or we will be rewarded for

 obeying God. Jesus then moved to Parable #2 (Matthew 21:33-46) 

where Jesus taught that God has a plan for mankind and God 

will provide all the tools and circumstances we need to accomplish

 the task God places before us, but if we take the “provisions” of God

 and try to take “possession” of God’s Authority for “personal gain”, 

once again our actions will determine our final judgement, 

God’s Authority is Supreme 

and we cannot alter or change in any way God’s commands 

or His Plan for mankind, even if we refuse God’s constant attempts

 at correcting our misguided course and poor life-choices, up to

 and including denying that He has no “authority” in our lives

 or even if we crucify His Son! Now Jesus is completing this 

series of Lessons on “authority” by Teaching the 3rd Parable 

(Matthew 22:1-14) about a “certain king” who

 “arranged a marriage for his son” and just like Jesus 

Taught these Lessons in a specific order to get us “on point”, 

Jesus is now Teaching the 

Truth of God 

in this 3rd Parable by a specific word order and selection of 15 phrases

 that we must look at each individually in the order in which Jesus

 gave them in order for us to see God Almighty. 

Jesus told Thomas, one of His disciples (also known as “doubting Thomas”)

 “…if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father…” (John 14:9) 

This would be a good time to look again at the 15 Phrases 

in this passage in Matthew 22:2-4 and then look at how Jesus reveals

 the “Father” to us through this passage in this 3rd Parable, 

unless of course you are not interested in knowing the answer 

to the Question that will determine 

where you will spend your “eternity”!?!?!?!  

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