Wednesday, August 28, 2024

AUGUST 28 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#27 “Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?” (Matthew 22:12)



  “Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?”  

(Matthew 22:12)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer   

JESUS, You Lord are the Faithful One, for each day, regardless of 

where I am or what ever-changing circumstance I may find myself in, You 

are always there, the Good Shepherd, and I can hear Your gentle voice 

beckoning me to the fold and once again my Faith belays my fears 

as Your Light dispels the darkness. Lord Jesus, Praise You 

for Your Great Sacrifice as the Lamb of God, 

giving Your Holy Divine Self for this lost sheep, O the Mystery of God!

 Lord let me hear nothing but Your Voice and know that green pastures, 

still waters, and Salvation have been secured by the One

 who needed no one but Sacrificed Himself  “Once-For-All”!!!       



Jesus is Teaching this 3rd parable about what the kingdom of heaven

 is “like” while sitting in the temple of God in the City of David with just 

a few days left before He will be Sacrificed as the Lamb of God on 

the Passover!  With only days left in His earthly ministry there will not 

be a “jot or tittle” that will not bear Divine meaning — with that 

“importance” of detail in mind, there must be some significance that 

this 3rd parable is about a “wedding”?!?! If one looks at both 

“tradition” and “logic” there are several very important points that

 make “marriage” VERY relative for this 3rd parable. First let’s look 

at the words and the order Jesus presented them in this parable:

 {Phrase 1} “The kingdom of heaven is like” … 

{Phrase 2} “a certain king” … 

{Phrase 3} “arranged a marriage” … 

{Phrase 4} “for his son” … 

{Phrase 5} “sent out servants to call those who were

 invited to the wedding” … 

{Phrase 6} “[the invited] were not willing to come” … 

{Phrase 7} “again, [the certain king]” … 

{Phrase 8} “sent out other servants”

 {Phrase 9} “tell the invited” … 

{Phrase 10} “I [the certain king] have prepared”

 {Phrase 11} “my dinner”

 {Phrase 12} “my oxen”

 {Phrase 13} “and [the] fatted cattle are killed”

 {Phrase 14} “all things are ready”

 {Phrase 15} “Come to the wedding”. (Matthew 22:2-4)   

These 15 Phrases are “loaded” with meaning and when put them

 together with the circumstance and the “Teacher”, then these 15 Phrases

 take on both “Divine” and “eternal” meaning for all who will “listen” … 

as it is said three times in the final book in the Holy Scriptures,

 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, 

“Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says…” 

(Revelation 2:29; 3:13; 3:22).  

To stop and sit at the feet of Jesus and to hang on His every 

Word is the Way to heaven, the Truth of God, and Eternal Life — 

it is the way to wisdom — it is how we will “know God” for 

Jesus has been Teaching with every step, every word, every miracle,

 that if we know the Son, then we will know the Father! 

The Old Testament teaches about the Almighty God and the prophets

 who foretold of God’s Anointed, the Chosen One, the Messiah 

and the New Testament teaches that 

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…”

 that those that “Repent” and “believe on Him” will be “Forgiven”

 and that they “shall not perish but have everlasting life”!!!

 Jesus, the “Only Begotten Son” of “the Certain King”

 has been Teaching that God still cares and that


God Almighty is “Abba Father” who is still standing 

with open arms calling out to His Creation — 


for God is calling, Jesus is calling, and the Spirit is calling

 in a “still, small voice”, to all who will “hear” and accept 

the “Wedding Supper” Invitation, “Come … all is prepared!!!”  

“Don’t you think it is time to start choosing 

what you are going to wear to the wedding?!?!?!?”

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