Sunday, October 6, 2024

OCTOBER 06 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#30 “Do you not see all these things?” (Matthew 24:02)



“Do you not see all these things?”  (Matthew 24:02)

LIVING FOR JESUS - Daily Prayer    

JESUS, Lord and Savior, my Redeemer, I bow before You today

 again seeking Your Mercy and Grace for my soul is calling out

 Praise to Your Holy Name! You Lord, You alone are the Way,

 You alone died on Calvary’s cruel cross for my iniquities, 

You alone have been given the Authority by the Father to Forgive sin! 

You are the Creator of all things and I pray that the Father God

 restore unto You Your Glory as it was before the creation existed. 

Lord, I place my soul and my physical being in subjection to Your Will

 and Your Way. Grant it Lord that the remainder of my eternity

 be of good and faithful service to You alone!   



Jesus and His disciples are leaving Jerusalem much like they had done

 after Jesus had first entered the city on Palm Sunday and Jesus had

 gone to the temple and “drove out all those who bought and sold 

in the temple and overturned the tables of the money changers 

and the seats of those who sold doves.” (Matthew 21:12) 

Jesus returned the temple to a “house of prayer” and 

“the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, 

and [Jesus] healed them.” (Matthew 21:14)

Here the confrontations with the “chief priests and scribes” surfaced again

 and Jesus had to address the fact that the religious rulers over Israel

 were the “source” of the cancer of “hypocrisy” that had crippled and

 blinded the entire nation Israel which Jesus had come on a mission to heal!

 After the confrontation with the chief priests and scribes on Palm Sunday,

 Jesus and His disciples left the city through the Eastern Gate going

 to the Mount of Olives and Bethany. Jesus has completed addressing

 the problem and pronounced judgement on those that had chosen

 to follow the “defiled doctrines and traditions of men” instead of following

 God and His Commands and He and His disciples are again going 

to leave the city. It is of significance that His disciples stopped and

 admired the temple and commented on the “buildings of the temple” (Matthew 24:1) before leaving the city this time and Jesus asked 

JQ#30 “Do you not see all these things?” Matthew 24:2) 

Then Jesus immediately started a series of prophetic statements 

beginning with the total destruction of the temple that His disciples 

were admiring on their way out of Jerusalem. Their departure signifies

 the completion of the “Work” Jesus had come to Jerusalem to accomplish — 

Jesus had started this Jerusalem mission days earlier 

“when they drew near Jerusalem, and came to Bethphage, 

at the Mount of Olives…” and Jesus had sent two of His disciples

 “into the village” to retrieve “a donkey tied, and a colt with her…” 

which Jesus then used to make His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. 

 (Matthew 21:1-12)

 Now the circle is completed as Jesus has cleansed the temple 

both “physically” and “spiritually”  and now they are departing Jerusalem

 after Jesus the Son has completed the task given Him by God the Father.

 Jesus again departs out the Eastern Gate and goes a second time

 to the Mount of Olives where Jesus gives His disciples a series

 of prophetic statements including the prophet Daniel’s seventieth week

 of years of the end times, including the Abomination of Desolation

 and the Great Tribulation and ends with the Return of Jesus the KING

 to earth at the end of the Great Tribulation. This series of Prophecies 

by Jesus given on the Mount of Olives is commonly referred to as the

 Olivet Discourse 

and started with a couple of questions from the disciples who 

were probably still contemplating what Jesus had just told them 

about the total destruction of the “temple” and its grand “buildings” 

as they were leaving the city! 

“Now as [Jesus] sat on the Mount of Olives, 

the disciples came to Him privately, saying, 

‘Tell us, when will these things be? 

And what will be the sign of Your coming, 

and of the end of the age?’” (Matthew 24:3) 

So Jesus had peaked His disciples interest when He asked,

 “Do you not see all these things?” (Matthew 24:2) 

and had announced the total destruction of the temple in Jerusalem 

which for the Jews would be symbolic to the end of their national identity

 because the nation of Israel was built around God’s Temple in Jerusalem

 in the City of David. This section of Jesus’ Teaching is very, very important 

so let us start by “understanding” that Jesus has asked the question

 “Do you not see…” to focus our attention on what He is about to Teach

 us regarding 

“…all these things <<the past, the present, and the future>>”!!! 

So this is a good time to get in a quite place with the Holy Spirit 

and  carefully read Matthew 24:1-31 



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