Tuesday, October 8, 2024

OCTOBER 08 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#30 “Do you not see all these things?” (Matthew 24:02)



“Do you not see all these things?”  (Matthew 24:02)

LIVING FOR JESUS - Daily Prayer    

JESUS, all days are Your days for all Eternity is Yours and all 

that is in it, but Lord Jesus this day my Spirit is leading my soul 

to give this day as a “Special” day to worship You in a “Special” 

way! Lord Jesus, I do not want to think of the world but of what 

You are and Your Glory for You Lord Jesus are Worthy! Lord, 

neither the world nor my worldly life in the flesh would have even 

the smallest meaning without You and the Love of God being poured

 out on us in such a blessed way. Lord, I trust in You to lead me by

 the Holy Spirit to do the kingdom work You would have me to do

 so Lord, let me on this day especially think only thoughts of You 

and Your Glory that I might truly worship You in Spirit and in Truth!   



Jesus was asked by His disciples to give them a “sign” of 

“[His] coming [again]”  and “of the end of the age” which was 

probably prompted by Jesus announcing as they left Jerusalem 

heading to the Mount of Olives that 

“not one stone shall be left here upon another, 

that shall not be thrown down”

 indicating that the Great Temple built by Solomon 

was going to be totally destroyed! (Matthew 24:1-3) 

By this time His disciples had been with Him almost 3 years and

 had seen Jesus perform miracle after miracle, heal the lame and 

the blind, cast out demons, resurrect the dead, and not once had 

Jesus declared anything but the glory of His Father in heaven! So 

the disciples knew by now that Jesus had come to do the will of God 

and to return the nation to worshipping the God of Abraham, Isaac, 

and Jacob who had led them out of bondage in Egypt and had by

 His Mighty Hand delivered them to the “Promised Land”, so if Jesus

 said the temple would be destroyed, they knew full well the temple 

and all its grandeur would be destroyed!  The nation of Israel had 

built their existence around this temple of God built by Solomon in 

Jerusalem and now that Jesus was telling them that God is going to

 remove His Presence and the temple will be destroyed that the 

disciples were thinking that surely this was the end of an age! Jesus

 has repeatedly told them that He would be betrayed in Jerusalem 

and that He would die there but Jesus always added that even 

though He would die, that on the 3rd Day He would be “resurrected”

 and perhaps this was what the disciples were asking in terms of

 “Your coming [again?]” — Jesus has been telling His disciples all

 along that the “Judgement” was coming — at this time Jesus is still 

alive and therefore everything He is telling them about the future is

 “prophetic” so the disciples are now trying to get a handle on His

 leaving and what to do without a temple made of stone? Jesus 

begins His Olivet Discourse with a warning that others will come saying,

 “I am the Christ” and "deceive many” (Matthew 24:4-5) 

then Jesus starts making a list of

 “signs” of the “end of the age” and His “Coming Again”

The list of “signs” started with 

(S1) others coming claiming they are the Christ, and then Jesus continued, 

(S2) “there will be wars and rumors of wars” and Jesus added 

“See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass…” 

(S3) “nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” 

(S4) “there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places”

 and again Jesus added, All these [things] will be the beginning of sorrows.” 

(S5) “they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and 

you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.” 

(S6) “many will be offended, will betray one another, 

and will hate one another”

 (S7) “many false prophets will rise up and deceive many”  

(S8) “lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold”

but before Jesus announces the last sign He gives them this encouragement:

 “But he who endures to the end shall be saved” then Jesus

 concludes the signs with 

(S9) “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world

 as a witness to all the nations, and THEN the END will come.”

 (Matthew 24:4-14) 

I cannot read this list without thinking about the state the world is in right now

 which makes me believe that any day now the last person to be added 

to the kingdom before the “Tribulation” begins will be preached

 “this gospel of the kingdom” and then the


Everything on this list of signs has happened in the past generation

 and surely the END could happen with THIS GENERATION — 

I know that it is a good time to stop and listen to the

 ONE who gives HOPE 

and promises that all who “endures to the end shall be saved” — 

or you can listen to those preaching death and hate — 

it’s your “Choice”!?!?!

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