Thursday, October 10, 2024

OCTOBER 10 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#30 “Do you not see all these things?” (Matthew 24:02)



“Do you not see all these things?”  (Matthew 24:02)

OCTOBER 10  LIVING FOR JESUS - Daily Prayer    

JESUS, Praise be to God from whom ALL BLESSINGS FLOW — 

Let us always remember that our “inalienable rights” are never

 guaranteed by any document or decree of mankind from 

“any culture or government” — 

“inalienable rights” are bestowed by the Creator, 

and no government nor edict of man can amend those “inalienable rights”

 but only by the Grace and Mercy of the Creator 

can they be restored to a nation, and that restoration will only be 

accomplished through a Repentant and contrite National Spirit 

that yearns to return to God the Creator and His

 “inalienable rights — i.e., rights that cannot be repealed

 or restrained by human laws”!!! 

 Lord Jesus, You have shown Yourself Mighty to Your Remnant

 Body of Christians — Now embolden us with the Holy Spirit that Your Church

 can now be a Mighty Source of Healing for our Spiritual Blindness 

and bring America back to Your LIGHT. 

Forgive us of our collective sin of letting the “doctrines and traditions”

 of a corrupt political system establish our national morality! 

Lord Jesus, lead us back to Your Moral Standard in which

 “all men are created equal” and we will once again Trust in God 

to make AMERICA a “Chosen Nation” and that we will be known

 not as “hypocrites” but as a True Christian Nation 

once again and a LIGHT to the world!!!   



Jesus asked this Question over 2000 years ago and yesterday

 the Holy Spirit revealed how to apply the Truth of God to America’s 

“2016/2024 historic” national elections for a new President


(Author’s Note: 10/10/24 —This blog was started in 2016 and now

 in 2024 America

 is facing another “Presidential Election” that will 

decide the future of our REPUBLIC”)

and this blog from the Holy Spirit’s guiding is asking America 

to look at “all these things” that had happened to America prior to 2016

 as the body of previously elected officials had established a set of 

“new political doctrines” that was taking AMERICA away from God 

and removing His Spirit from our heritage upon which this “once great nation”

 was founded! It appears that many Americans indeed could see 

that if we continued on that free-fall from God and His Moral Standard 

that we would have “Progressively” disintegrated into oblivion as a nation.

 Today the Spirit’s leading is reminding us that there will not be any

 “True Change” in our nation unless we do more than pay “lip service” to the


but return as a nation to 

the Source of TRUE POWER ———


that has established the 

“inalienable rights” that guarantees 


regardless of race, gender, or national identity. 

God IS the CREATOR and there is only ONE TRUTH, 

HIS TRUTH and only if we speak the 


 will it be known.


Natural rights are those that are not dependent on the laws

 or customs of any particular culture or government, 

and therefore universal and inalienable 

(i.e., rights that cannot be repealed or

 restrained by human laws). The concept of natural law

 is closely related to the concept of natural rights.

Natural and legal rights - Wikipedia


I quote from Oswald Chambers “My Utmost for His Highest” a paragraph

 from his commentary on NOVEMBER 9 “Sacred Service” that 

summarizes our path back to what made America Great in the first 

place, and I quote:

 “When we preach the historical facts of the life and death of our Lord 

as they are conveyed in the New Testament, our words are made sacred.

 God uses these words, on the basis of His redemption, 

to create something in those who listen which otherwise could 

never have been created…We must make sure that [as a nation] we

 are living in such harmony with God that as we proclaim His truth

 He can create in [the world] those things which He alone can do.” 


 We will never be a “Great Nation” without returning to the 

True Source of Greatness — it worked for the “founding fathers” 

and since God’s Power has not diminished even slightly it will work 

for America if we return to God’s Great Leadership — 

once again the world will see America as the Promised Land! 

Can you NOT SEE that this is a time for America to roll up our sleeves 

and get busy restoring our nation to God 

and let Him make us a “Great Nation” once again!!!

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