Monday, September 16, 2024

SEPTEMBER 16 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#29 “What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?” (Matthew 22:42)



“What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?”  

(Matthew 22:42)

LIVING FOR JESUS Daily Prayer    

JESUS, Lord I thank You for those times that You make Your 

Presence “Known” when we least expect it, which in retrospect 

I see that it is those times that I need you most for I have drifted

 off the path and had You not given me a “course correction” 

I would have wandered off into the world and all its dangers.

 Lord, I better understand the necessity of “chastisement” and 

why David wrote of the Good Shepherd, “…Thy rod and 

Thy staff, they comfort me…” for You Lord know when to 

use Your “rod” and when to use Your “staff” and You always

 use them in “TRUTH” and in “LOVE” — 

Lord, I pray that my spirit yields itself completely to Yours 

and that my heart is always receptive to Your Love for I know

 that Your Plan for my life is to give me a “Hope” and a “Future” —

 Forgive me of my daily shortcomings 

and keep me forever on Your Path.   



Jesus has been “questioned” by the “legalists” as they have sought

 to prove that their “doctrines of men” and their “authority” was 

the ruling power in Zion and Jerusalem but they were blinded to

 the Truth of God that Jesus IS the Messiah and that God 

has sent Him to bring “repentance and salvation” to those that 

follow the “doctrines of men” instead of the “Commands of God”. 

The Pharisees and the scribes had been the loudest in their

 contentions with Jesus and had “questioned” Him on more occasions

 than any of the other ruling groups! Jesus had put the Pharisees

 in their place on more than one occasion, but now in His 

final week before the Passover in Jerusalem (where Jesus will 

complete the Father’s Work and fulfill all the Law and the Prophets), 

Jesus answers all the “questions” posed by each group and then 

Jesus, as the Master Teacher, 

Teaches the Final Lesson to the “legalists and power mongers”

 with a couple of Final JESUS Questions back-to-back

 “While the Pharisees were gathered together, 

Jesus asked them, saying,” 

(Q1) “What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?” 

and when the Pharisees answered, 

“The Son of David” 

Jesus quoted the Holy Scripture from a Psalm (Psalm 110) 

that King David had written about the Messiah 

and then Jesus asked the Pharisees this followup question: 

(Q2) “If David then calls Him ‘LORD,’ how is He his Son?”  

(Matthew 22:41-45)  

The Pharisees were the ultimate authority in Israel on the Law of Moses

 and the Holy Scriptures and yet with all their combined knowledge they

 were unable to answer Jesus and Matthew records: 

“And no one was able to answer [Jesus] a word, 

nor from that day on did anyone dare question Him anymore.” 

(Matthew 22:45) 

Now that there would be no more questions taking up the precious

 last hours of His earthly ministry, it would be reasonable to assume

 that Jesus would move on from Teaching Lessons on 

“True Power and Authority” 

and leave the Pharisees to face the “judgement” that had already 

been assigned to them and to all that follow the “doctrines of men” 

as consequences to their disobedience to the Commands of God

 and the defiling of their Holy Offices:

 “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be 

taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it. 

And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; 

but on whom it falls, it will grind him to powder.” 

(Matthew 22:43-44)   

However, once Jesus had finally silenced all the contention and 

confrontation from the “legalists/power mongers” He did not move on 

to another Lesson but Jesus gives one final summation to the problem

 and pronounces “Seven Woes” on the “scribes and Pharisees”

 as He once again calls them, “hypocrites”

Our common sense should tell us that if Jesus continues to Teach 

on this subject of the “hypocrisy” of “following the doctrines of men" 

and “defiling Holy Offices” and “usurping the Power of God”

 for themselves that this must be a

 Very Important Topic that Jesus wants to make very clear 

to all that “have an ear” to hear what the Spirit has to say about 

being “obedient to God” as the Number One Priority in our daily lives!  

Before looking at this 

“Final Summation on True Power and Authority”

 that Jesus is about to deliver on the subject, it is prudent for us to stop

 and consider the “gravity of the situation” in our own lives as we let

 the “doctrines of men” creep into our daily lifestyles ——— 

we must realize that those in power, regardless of their gender, 

generation or nationality, succumb to their own selfish desires as 

they gather unto themselves more and more power and these power

 mongers defile their respective offices and the fruit of their labor is

 “defiled doctrines" which Jesus is telling us

 as God told Adam and Eve in the garden, 

“…for in the day you eat of it you shall surely die.” 

(Genesis 2:17)

 Remember also that Jesus had just Taught us 

“Take heed and beware of the leaven of the

 Pharisees and the Sadducees.” (Matthew 16:6)

 Perhaps since Jesus commands us to “take heed” that we 

should at least try to understand what the consequences of 

not listening to Jesus might be — 

or you can turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the 

Truth of God 

and consume the “leaven” and the “forbidden fruit”

 but then you must accept the consequences of your choice to ignore 

God’s Son Jesus whom God the Father has sent 

to bring “repentance and salvation” to us 

and Who has personally given us 

so many warnings by His Holy WORD!?!?!?  

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