Thursday, September 19, 2024

SEPTEMBER 19 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#29 “What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?” (Matthew 22:42)



“What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?”  

(Matthew 22:42)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, Lord and Savior, my Light, my Salvation — 

You alone are Worthy to be praised by every nation, every tongue.

 Every knee shall bow for You Lord Jesus 

are the One True King of kings and Lord of lords! 

Your Life on earth was short but You lived the Perfect Life

 in obedience to the Will of the Father, You became by virtue of

 Your Perfect Life the Perfect Sacrifice acceptable by God

 for the Atonement of ALL sin. You died the Perfect Death

 and by Your death You won victory over the grave so that no man

 that believes in Your Life need fear the bodily death that 

awaits us all. Your Gift of Mercy and Grace and Your Victory 

over death and the grave is extended to all who believe

 on You LORD Jesus, the Only Begotten of the Father, 

who fulfilled God’s Great Plan of Redemption through 

the Blood of Your Perfect Sacrifice 

— we need not fear death for You have promised

 that through belief in You, we

 “shall not perish but have life everlasting”        



Jesus has shut down His detractors and has returned to explaining

 to His disciples and the multitudes “why” Jesus has spent so much

 of His time dealing with the religious rulers. Now Jesus makes 

a list of the “rulers of Israel’s” actions that is the self-convicting 

evidence that will be the basis for their judgement which Jesus

 pronounced about their iniquities and “hypocrisy” that their 

punishment will “be executed speedily on [them]” for their abuse

 of their “God-given wisdom” that they were supposed to apply 

to teaching and judging the nation of Israel as Ezra 

described 500 years earlier. (Ezra 7:1-6, 25-26) 

This “list” should be used by everyone as a 


 for Jesus is laying out very clearly and in simple terms 

what God has judged as “sin”. 

Jesus started the list by qualifying by which “authority” 

He was pronouncing “judgement” when Jesus referenced the 

scribes and Pharisees [sitting] in Moses’ seat. 

Therefore [since they were given their offices and 

responsibilities by God that] whatever they tell you

 to observe, that observe and do…” (Matthew 23:2-3a) 

then Jesus gave a summation of the problem as He continued, 

“but do not do according to their works; 

for they say and do not do.”  (Matthew 23:3b)  

Jesus had also just Taught 3 Parables on 

“True Power and Authority”

the first was about two sons being given instructions by the “father” but only

 one son actually did as the father had asked and Jesus asked this question, 

“Which of the two did the will of the father?” (Matthew 21:28-31) 

So this is not the first time 

Jesus has Taught this Lesson of actually being “obedient”

 in doing what the “Father commands” 

and not just paying Him “lip service” 

— and now Jesus is again saying to 

“do” what the Father commands with the phrase 

“whatever [those given authority by God] tell you

 to observe, that observe and do…” (Matthew 23:3a) 

Therefore Jesus starts His “Do-Not-Do-List” when He states 

that the scribes and Pharisees are defiling their God-given offices because

 “they say, and do not do.” (Matthew 23:3b) 

When we study these passages where God is passing judgement

 for a particular action, we should not fall for the “Great Lie”

 that God’s Law only applied to the Old Testament followers, 

remember that 

God’s Law will NEVER be void or irrelevant 

as Jesus proclaimed, 

“For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away,

 one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law 

till all is fulfilled.” (Matthew 5:18)  

It is only logical that if God is the 

“God of the living” 

and that since we fall into the category of "the living” that 

God is the God of our “life” — 

and  God, being the Supreme Power and Authority 

is not going to “change His mind”

 but being the “Fair and Just” God that HE IS, 

all of God’s Commands apply to EVERYONE 



— its your choice!?!?!?!?

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