Friday, September 20, 2024

SEPTEMBER 20 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#29 “What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?” (Matthew 22:42)



“What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?”  

(Matthew 22:42)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, O the Joy of waking up and feeling the 

Presence of the Holy Spirit and knowing that the 

“Good Shepherd” is leading you 

“beside the still waters…in green pastures”! 

The Really Good News is that all this comes from

 “Who” Jesus IS and the fact that He “Chose” to die


 not because of who we are, but because of “Who” the “Father” IS!

  O Glorious thought that all sin and iniquity have already been addressed

 for the Plan of Salvation has been Executed with Perfection 

and as Jesus proclaimed as He completed 

His Redemptive Work on the Cross —


 Thank you Lord Jesus that You would chose to do the Will of the Father

 and extend to sinners the Gift of Grace 


 instead of placing on us individually the 

punishment that our sins deserved! 

Lord Jesus, forgive me of my daily transgressions 

and teach me to “Love others” as You have “Loved” me.       



Jesus is Teaching the multitudes and His disciples “why” He

 has exposed the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Herodians, and all 

those that had defiled the offices that were established by Moses

 at the command of God — Jesus first says that we are to 

observe and do” the commands of God 

that comes down from God through His Holy Word but 

“…do not do according to [the] work 

[of those that defile their Holy Offices]; 

for they say, and do not do.”(Matthew 23:3) 

Jesus then makes a {Do-not-Do-List} of what [those that sit in Moses’ seat]

 do that defiles their “office” and that we should avoid these things in our lives!

 We should be obedient to “do” what God’s Word teaches us and 

“do not do” these following actions that defile God’s Holy Word. 

{1} Do not place heavy burdens on others shoulders that we

 are not willing to bear ourselves or at least share 

the burden with them. (Matthew 23:4) 

{2} Do not do your works “to be seen by men”. (Matthew 23:5)

 {3} Be cautious in your dress that you do not seek

 the attention of others. We should seek 

to glorify God and not ourselves.  

{4} Do not seek to be seated at “center field” 

nor at the “head of the table” for others to “envy” your position. 

{5} Do not seek “titles” for yourself. (Matthew 23:6-7) 

{6} “But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; 

for One is your Teacher, the Christ, 

and you are all brethren. 

Do not call anyone on earth your father; 

for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.” (Matthew 23:8-9) 

{7} Remember, “he who is greatest among you

 shall be your servant” … Do not “exalt" yourself 

but “humble yourself” 

and let God exalt you 

for your obedience to His Word. (Matthew 23:11-12) 

Jesus Teaches us about the Truth of God with every Lesson

 and with every circumstance that we encounter in our daily lives

 we can find one of these lessons that will apply to how we are

 to live our lives to be pleasing to God. Jesus said remember that 

“…the Son of Man did not come to be served, 

but to serve…” (Matthew 20:28) 

so we should post the {Do-Not-Do-List} in a conspicuous place

 and strive to humble ourselves and take instructions 

from the “One Teacher” sent by our “Father in heaven” 

who has a “Plan” for each of us and has promised 

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, 

says the LORD, 

thoughts of peace and not of evil, 

to give you a future and a hope…

call upon Me … go and pray to Me,

 and I will listen to you…

you will seek Me and [you will] find Me, 

when you search for Me with all your heart.”

 (Jeremiah 29:11-14)

 So there you have it,


a seven (7)  item {Do-Not-Do-List} from the “Son of God”

 and a Faithful Promise from the “Father” Himself 

clearly shining a Bright Light on the Path of Righteousness, 

but as always, God will not “force” Himself on you 

but He gently calls you to “Chose God” — 

“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, 

and all these things shall be added to you.” 

(Matthew 6:33) 

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