Saturday, September 21, 2024

SEPTEMBER 21 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#29 “What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?” (Matthew 22:42)



“What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?”  

(Matthew 22:42)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, the Holy Spirit brought to my mind this morning during

 my devotional prayer that  I was to stop in mid-prayer and consider

 very seriously this question that the Holy Spirit directed to me 

personally this morning — 

“What do YOU (personally) think about the Christ? 

Whose Son is He?”

 My spirit within me was stilled as I was consciously aware 

that I personally and confidently KNEW that 

the Word of God is TRUTH and that Jesus is the Son of God,

 that the Messiah is the Chosen One 

sent by the FATHER GOD to bring Salvation 

to this lost and dying world — 

so my personal answer to the Holy Spirit is that I believe 

with all that is in me that 

“God so loved the world that He gave 

His only begotten Son {{JESUS}}, 

that whoever believes in Him shall not perish

 but have everlasting life” 

— and only the True, Living, Loving God would devise 

and execute such a Divine Plan!!! 

LORD, I am confident that EVERY WORD that You have spoken

 and has been written in the Holy Scriptures is TRUTH — 

Thank You LORD for Your Salvation and my prayer is that I will be

 a good steward of all the spiritual and physical blessings

 that You shower down upon us daily!   



Jesus in His final week on earth is finalizing His Final Passover 

Lesson on Power and Authority and He initiated the Lesson 

with this Question posed to those that had been questioning Him ———

 “What do you think about the Christ?” 

and then Jesus tacks on a clue to the answer 

riding on His closing Question, 

“Whose Son is He?” (Matthew 22:42) 

Jesus, being both Christ and the Son of God therefore is the

 Master Teacher and we should look not only at “what” Jesus

 has asked in this Question but we should seriously consider 

“who” Jesus directed the Question to and also “how” Jesus

 phrased this two part Question. The “what” that Jesus is asking is

 the pivotal Question in each individual’s search for Truth

 and that pivotal Question is

 “What do you [personally] think about the Christ?” 

— the Question is not what have you heard others say that their 

opinion of Christ is but Jesus makes this very personal — 

for once again Jesus takes a very serious Question and looks you

 straight in the eye and asks

 “What do YOU think?” 

and when you look around you see that it is only you and Jesus

 in the room and that Jesus is waiting on your personal reply, 

then the pressure to be honest with Jesus becomes very 

real and intimate!?!? The “what” of His Question then is

 “What is [YOUR PERSONAL] belief about the Christ?” 

 Next we must look at “who” Jesus addressed this Question to —

 this Question was addressed to all those that were trying to seek

 personal power and are actively denying that Jesus IS the Christ!!! 

Therefore the Question is double directed at YOU if you don’t 

accept Jesus as the Messiah! 

But then it is important to look at “how” Jesus asked the Question:

 First He introduced the “subject” of the Question to get our attention

 focused on the “Christ” and then Jesus asked the Question

 in such a way that each individual is compelled to answer

 the Question personally. Then when Jesus gets us to 

“think about” the “Christ”, 

Jesus Masterfully gives us a Divine Clue 

to the RIGHT ANSWER when He “hints” 

that the correct answer must contain a Father/Son relationship 

— How does one get from God/Christ to Father/Son 

without considering all these admonitions and actions

 that Jesus uses to Teach the Truth of God 

and continually tells us to pray to “our Father in heaven”? 

— surely it is way off base to consider any answer that does not include the

 Fatherhood of Almighty God” 

and the “Sonship of Jesus Christ” !?!?

 As we look at what Jesus is Teaching with this Question,

 we can better understand the object Lesson if we actually stop

 at this point and honestly answer this very personal Question —

 “What do YOU think about the Christ?” 

(and equally important —) 

“Whose SON is He?” (Matthew 22:42)

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