Friday, April 22, 2016

APRIL 5 The Jesus Questions

LIVING FOR JESUS --- Daily Devotional

April 5 / Day 37

365 Prayers to JESUS
Jesus, all Praise, Glory, and Honor to the King of kings, who by His Great Sacrifice for all mankind has earned that Praise, Glory, and Honor from all mankind for there is no other name but the Name of the One that lived a Perfect Life before God the Father, even our Lord Jesus the Christ! Only the Perfect Life of the Son was the Acceptable Sacrifice demanded by the Perfect Father and only through the Perfect Sacrifice of the Son can sinners be made Perfect before the Father. Lord, I BELIEVE, make me Perfectly Acceptable to God! 

The Jesus Questions

JQ#8 - Jesus always taught us about the Father and demonstrated the Power and Greatness of the Father both in His earthly life and His Divine Death, Burial, and Resurrection! The world was teaching mankind, “Do as we say, not as we do” but when Jesus came to reveal the TRUTH of the FATHER, Jesus taught men, “Do as I do for what a man does is the Truth of man.” JQ#8 is the first time in the gospels that Jesus directly challenged the authority that man had usurped from God. Some background here on who the “scribes” were is helpful: the scribes were used by the prophets to write down the words of God therefore by association the scribes were considered very important.  The Pharisees used scribes to write down man’s interpretation of what the Pharisees “thought” what “God meant” when He spoke His Word. It should be understood also that “blasphemy” was defined during the time Jesus Himself walked the earth as the Son of God, as taking from God the unique and divine authority “to forgive sin”.  Nowhere in the Old Testament writings studied by the Pharisees  contemporary with Jesus had even the  Messiah Himself  been given the right to “forgive sin” so when Jesus spoke to the paralytic, “Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you” (Matthew 9:3) Jesus called Himself Father God and then demonstrated the Authority to “forgive sins” that could only be done only by God Himself according to “law” of the Pharisees as written “officially” by the scribes. Do you not see that Jesus is confronting “legalism” here and in truth Jesus is revealing that the ones that are condemning Jesus of “blasphemy” are really to ones that are guilty of taking the authority from God’s Law and making man’s law the “law” of the land that the people must live by? When I read passages like these the Holy Spirit stirs me to ask my contemporaries; “How is our modern laws on abortion which usurp the authority of God, any different from the law of the Pharisees which condemned our Lord Jesus Christ to death on a cross?” If we as Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God who was sent by God Himself and promised by God that if we will believe that God sent His Son to us as a gift that we would not have to “perish but have everlasting life” then how can we support a law that denies the unborn their right to receive God’s gift? A dead unborn has “perished” and man’s legalism is responsible for taking God’s authority away from Him, and it can be interpreted as nothing but blasphemy! Jesus confronted the legalists of His day and the TRUTH was that not only did Jesus demonstrate the power of God over the physical by healing the paralytic, He also healed the paralytic spiritually by forgiving his sins and the “verdict” of a “jury of the (paralytic’s) peers” was that “the multitudes saw it, [and] they marveled and glorified God”. Let TRUTH be our judge and jury as to the Consequence of our belief that Jesus is the Son of God! 

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